Manufacture of cotton wool production "Mediteks" was founded in 1997. Equipped with two lines for the manufacturing cotton wool in rolls and two lines for manufacturing "Zig-Zag". Total production capacity - 10 tons per day, working in two shifts. Our products sizes and packaging: for "Zig-Zag" from 25 to 1000 gr., for Rolls 50 to 1000 g.
The main and the top priority of our company is to produce high quality products for the consumers. For this moment our export countries are: Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, The Netherland, Belgium. The main advantage in working with us and purchasing our products: possibility to sell and implement it on all European and Russian market (Registration, CE marking and all necessary documents we provide with each supply), constant long-term supplies (by the contract and discount system for large volumes), logistics services (goods transportation to Russian Federation and all around Europe), mutual understanding and confidence in working with clients.
The photos of manufacture are below:
Also awards of our company for the last 15 years :
1999 y. - The certificate of honor by Ministry of President Latvian Republic in competition "Latvian Goods XXI century", in nomination 10 best products
2002 - The certificate of honor newspaper "Dienas Business" and Company "Lursoft" award manufacture Mediteks as a most promptly developing enterprise of Latvia from 1998 till 2000.

2002 - 2008 y. On annually spent competition "Made in Latvia", which was organized by Latvian trading - industrial chamber and Latvian national swift code office "EAN LATVIA", our product - medical cotton wool "Premium" win next places in nomination "Best Export Product".

Annually exhibition awards : 1999 - "Health" - Riga,Latvia ; 2002 - "Apothek 2002" - Moscow,Russia ; 2006 - "Medica 2006" - Riga,Latvia ; 2008 - "Apothek 2008" - Moscow, Russia ; "MEDBALTICA 2008" - Riga,Latvia ; 2011.g – „EXPO Latvia 2011”.